PSES staff inspire students to better fitness
Published 3:42 pm Monday, April 22, 2013

Teamwork for excellence is a driving factor for not only the students, but also the staff at Potter Street Elementary School. The Potter Street “Power Pushers” challenged each other, and also served as an inspiration for the students to get fit and become more active. The team was challenged to complete 12 miles worth of walking or running within a four-week time frame. The team not only met the challenge, but exceeded their own expectations. To celebrate, the team joined together at Anytime Fitness for a workout session together. Part of the team is pictured above as they prepare for an intense but invigorating workout. Shown are, left to right, Pearl Johnson, Janie Lockard, Anita Jackson, Jackie Jamison, Peggy Kennedy and Brenda Campbell. Not pictured but actively involved were: Lynn Moore, Nancy Kennedy, Cynthia Thomas, Cathy Stevens, Allison Black, Lillie Brown, Lisa Conoly, Cindy Clement, Cindy Kolbuss, Carol Watts and Amanda Boyett.