Tennis supports toy collection
Published 5:11 am Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SANTA’S HELPERS: Marcia Ray’s 3.5 tennis team members collected toys at their December meeting. Seated are Marcia Ray, left, and Lindy Harrell. Standing are Diane Powell, Beverly Little, Joellyn Lott, Rosalyn Barber, Jena Shelton, Kattie Rogers, Judi Nichols, and Shari Allen. Members not pictured are Jennifer Wilemon, Joy Smith and Nancy Smith.
Special to The Post-Searchlight
Marcia Ray’s 3.5 tennis team hosted their second-annual toy collection Tuesday, Dec. 4, at Bonnie Blue’s restaurant. This year, the Bainbridge Tennis Association (BTA) has joined with Ray’s team in their efforts to bring Christmas joy to local Decatur county children.
Toys are being accepted at the Bainbridge tennis facility until Dec. 13, and then will be taken to the Salvation Army.
Those wishing to donate new toys, please bring them, unwrapped, to the facility and place in the decorated toy box in the pro shop.

COLLECTED TOYS: Bainbridge Tennis Association members Diane Powell, Tim Thompson and Elyse Fenton show the toy collection at the association pro shop.