Students at PSES create ‘edible Georgia’ cookies
Published 8:21 am Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Lyn Moore’s second grade science class at Potter Street Elementary School recently undertook an “edible Georgia” project. In this project, the students created their own cookies with different decorations for each of the state’s regions.
- • Annalisa Nix begins to work on her Mountain and Piedmont regions. She discussed with her teacher that she was also making an ABC pattern with her Piedmont region.
- • Using her ELMO wireless document camera, Moore projected a large version to show the students how to create their Georgia Regions cookie using her own cookie and edible decorations. This real-time interactive technology allows her to talk through each step as she is doing it with the ability to have it large enough for all students to see how to complete the project.
- • As Moore passed out the various edible decorations, she discussed with the students the different types of regions and why she used each type of decoration. The chocolate chips were used for the mountain region. The Piedmont region was represented by the Reese’s pieces. The coastal plains were represented by the green food colored coconut. They sure were tasty.
- • Terry Addison presses out his peanut butter cookie dough on wax paper to form the shape of Georgia.