Sports Hall of Fame banquet set for March 3
Published 4:27 pm Friday, January 6, 2012
The Decatur County Sports Hall of Fame Banquet, honoring its second four inductees, will be Saturday, March 3 at 7 p.m. at Bainbridge College’s Charles H. Kirbo Regional Center.
Anyone who would like to make a nomination can pick up application forms at the Bainbridge-Decatur County Chamber of Commerce, the welcome center, where the Hall of Fame is housed, and Bainbridge High School, or download one at
Nominees must be at least 40 years old, have been a past participant in Decatur County sports, and been an individual whose life provided a positive role model in our community.
They must also meet one of three other criteria. They must either have attended a school in Decatur County, be a native of Decatur County or have lived in Decatur County for a sufficient length of time to be considered a permanent resident.
The deadline for applications is Thursday, Jan. 19. They should be sent to Dewayne Shiver, 2408 Twin Lakes Drive, Bainbridge, GA 39819.
The inaugural first four inductees last year were former highly successful Bainbridge High School Bearcats head football coach Spencer “Onion” Davis, former Major League Baseball shortstop and third baseman Ernest Riles, Jones-Wheat Elementary School principal Larry Clark, who led the Bainbridge High School Bearcats to nine track championships; and former two-time Auburn University Tigers All-American offensive tackle Ken Rice, who was an outstanding two-way performer, playing tackle on defense and running back on offense for coach Davis’ Bearcats in the 1950s.
View/Download the Decatur County Sports Hall of Fame Nomination Form