Time for a change

Published 4:15 pm Tuesday, March 6, 2018

One of the reasons for the surprising results of the 2016 presidential election was said to be that enough people thought it was “time for a change.” This Sunday is our annual date for the beginning of Daylight Saving Time, so it might be said that, instead of time for a change, it is “change for the time.”

Even though the information of the change will be a subject for discussion in all sorts of media, there will be some who will arrive at church this upcoming Sunday and see, not people arriving, but people leaving. It happens every year that someone simply forgets to set their clocks forward.

Time waits for no man the saying goes. That means, of course, that there are some things that are beyond the control of human beings. No person can hold back the hands of time, but in a way, this Sunday we will move them forward.

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There was a young child who came home confused about time. Her mother asked her what was the problem. She replied, “I have asked the question ‘What time is it?’ all day, momma, and I keep getting a different answer from everyone!”

Did you hear about the man who was so tired from driving all night that he wanted to find a place to rest in his car? He chose what seemed to be an inactive park; at least in the early morning when he pulled in to catch an hour of shuteye. Unfortunately, he had chosen a park where dozens of joggers used the trails.

As he was dozing off, a knock on his car window came and the question, “What time is it?” He looked at the clock in his car and said, “7:45.” He closed his eyes for what seemed like seconds and another knock on his window and the question, “What time is it?” He irritably answered, “7:48.”

The man saw many joggers and, instead of driving to another place, he wrote on a sign that he put in the window of the car, “I do not know what the time is.” Then he felt he would get some rest.

In just a minute there was another knock on the window, “It’s 8:15!”

Daylight Saving Time has been discussed among countries of the world for a while, but here in the USA, it wasn’t made permanent until President Nixon signed the act in 1973. Its purpose was not to confuse the citizens of the country, however many laws are confusing. DST was instituted for the conservation of energy.

At that time, the schedule was irregular as to when DST would begin, but George W. Bush signed a law in 2005 which made the second Sunday in March as the “always” starting date.

I went to a store that sold watches and asked the clerk for a watch that would tell me the time. The clerk noticed the watch on my arm and asked, “Why do you need another watch to tell you the time?” I told him, “This one doesn’t tell me the time; I have to look at it.” Please don’t groan.

But there was an enterprising young man who had a device that actually told him the time. It was a loud gong and a hammer. He would slam the hammer against the gong and the sound would be so loud that the people who lived next to him would yell, “Knock it off, dummy. It’s 2:00 in the morning!”

This Sunday at 2:00 in the morning, don’t forget to arise and set your clocks forward. Then, try to go back to sleep!