Racing Through Summer Camp

Published 5:05 pm Friday, June 9, 2017

BPS Investigator Mark Esquivel helps a camper line up his shot at the BPS firing range on Wednesday.

Curious “oohs” and “ahhs” broke out from campers as yet another animal was brought out from the Chehaw Animal Farm wildlife presentation. This time, it was a corn snake. A native to Georgia, the corn snake helps control the rat population which helps control the tick population, said Rebecca with Chehaw Park.

It was just another day at the Oscar Jackson Outdoor Camp for the campers. The facts about wildlife species native to the Georgia taught the campers even more, adding on to the informative week they have already had.

“I’ve seen bigger,” a camper shouted from the back row.

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Next came a possum. Campers filled the room with questions, curious hands shot in the air before excited impatience took over and questions started flying.

On Wednesday, the campers learned about canoe safety with Park Ranger Andrew Cook in preparation for their canoe trip down Spring Creek.

On Thursday, the campers set out on their trip.

Not only were they learning canoe safety, but on Wednesday, campers were taken out to the Bainbridge Public Safety’s firing range and, with the assistance of BPS investigators Mark Esquivel and Chip Nix, learned gun safety.

In between all that, the campers have been having a kid’s summer dream. Fishing, canoeing around the pond, and different games and races have kept them entertained.

The camp will continue for three more weeks, and registration can be found at City Hall.