Brothers salvage materials from old Miller Hydro plant in Bainbridge

Published 6:18 pm Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Antique features in homes have always been something people strive for. The demand for old wood and brick has increased and the supply hasn’t been there. Most people think that to have antique features in their homes, they must either purchase an old home or just fake it.

Not anymore.

A new company out of Bainbridge called CNJ Reclaim LLC plans to make it easier to access antique materials, and they’re getting them from the Miller Hydro Plant.

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Joe Battles approached Jeff Weathersby, creator of CNJ Reclaim LLC about the building. The two began talking about Weathersby decided to take the job, and the reclaiming process began.

The business has grown since that moment.

“I’ve sold some wood to people in Tallahassee, and some to Atlanta, and just different places,” said Weathersby. “The bricks are selling to some people in North Carolina, not all, but some. Acme Brick in Tallahassee has gotten some.”

Jeff may just be acting modest. His brother, Scott Weathersby, added that they’ve even got buyers in Louisiana and Mississippi.

“We feel like the building is too valuable and the wood is too valuable just to throw away to the dump,” said Scott. “So what we try to do is bring it back to life.”

The material gets used in various ways once it is bought. Some of the wood can be used in houses, which is what Jeff Weathersby is doing, and some can be used for furniture.

The history that comes along with the materials is not being shipped out of the city all together. CNJ has sold bricks to the City of Bainbridge to be used on the brick roads downtown.

“There’s a lot of people that stop by and ask what we do,” said Scott. “But there’s a lot of people excited when we tell them that we’re recycling it, we’re bringing it back to life. It’s not just going to the landfill.”

The old Miller Hydro Plant was condemned and was to be torn down eventually. Through CNJ Reclaim, the soul of the plant can keep living in the houses and furniture made from its wood and brick.

“They (people) are appreciative because it meant so much to Bainbridge and the people of Decatur County,” said Scott. “A lot of people made their lives off this building and didn’t want to see it torn down and thrown in the dump so we’re doing what we can to keep it alive.”