Rotary hears news on downtown development
Published 4:40 pm Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Amanda Glover gets a warm greeting from Charles Tyson, former City Administrator, following her presentation. — Carolyn Iamon
Current and future projects on the drawing board for downtown Bainbridge were described at the Rotary meeting this week by Amanda Glover, executive director of the Downtown Development Authority.
Among these are adding more green spaces to areas that are currently barren and replacement of some fallen and/or diseased trees.
“Planting for the Future” is the campaign to bring new life to the streetscapes of Bainbridge and maintain Bainbridge’s identity as an Oak City. As part of the Downtown Master Plan, the City’s Tree Committee is sponsoring the landscaping campaign to raise funds to purchase, plant and maintain trees, shrubs and other plants that beautify the streetscapes of Bainbridge.
There are three levels of sponsorship available. The Garden Spot for a $100 donation buys five gallon trees, shrubbery, annuals and landscaping plants. Curb appeal for $300 provides for seven and fifteen gallon trees and large landscaped beds.
A $500 donation will provide thirty gallon oak trees placed in prominent locations throughout the city and will be automatically designated Landmark trees. These will include a permanent dedication plaque with the Oak Tree logo and the name of the family donating the tree.
There is no deadline on when these donations can be made and any questions can be directed to Glover at 229-515-0088.
Glover showed slides of some locations expected to receive an improved landscape. Among these are the old Bainbridge Hardware site, an area near Regions Bank, creating a landscaped median in the wide pavement on West Street in front of the Post Office, and an alleyway behind the Port City Deli where additional lighting would be added, along with a sidewalk and landscaping, making it an attractive area. Existing businesses could open up their back doors to customers.
Glover also gave Calendar of Downtown Events for the City.
• Oct. 3 – Touch a Truck from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• Oct. 17 Classic Car Show 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Oct. 17 Opening Day of the Bainbridge Farmers’ Market
• Oct. 23 Downtown Street Dance at 6:30 p.m. featuring the Shane Owens Band. Live music and food from local restaurants.
• Oct. 30 Munchkin Masquerade at Willis Park 4 to 5 p.m.