Election Day is truly the greatest day in a democracy
Published 8:16 am Tuesday, November 6, 2012
One of the challenges of writing about a current topic in a weekly or bi-weekly newspaper is the deadline. As much as I would like to be reporting about the election results in this article, the presidential race is just too close to call, as of the press deadline for The Post-Searchlight on Tuesday night.
I actually agree with not calling a race before people in the western United States have had a chance to vote. It seems to minimize the value of their vote, at least in a national election. People in California might then choose not to vote, which then distort the results of their own local elections.
On Monday, I was in Florida, one of the so-called battleground states. People were standing and waving signs on every major intersection. Yard signs of all sizes were everywhere. Every radio ad while driving in my car was for Obama or Romney, with a few local elections also thrown into the mix.
I listened as I traveled to Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and even for a brief period of time to Rush Limbaugh. You would hardly know they were all talking about the same race.
Each tried to spin the latest poll. The talking heads offered their opinions about every subject while the presidential candidates themselves seemed to see who could log the most frequent-flyer miles in a 24 hour period.
There is indeed a lot at stake in this election. The contrasts between President Obama and Governor Romney are stark. However, I suspect they probably have more in common than politics will allow them to publically admit.
How I wish we could outlaw focus groups and polls during this most important of elections. Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear each candidate state honestly what they thought about the issues of the day? Can’t we do better than the character assassinations and the distortions of the facts?
Americans are tired. They are tired of economic problems and worrying about the future. They are tired of wars and broken promises. They are tired of hearing about debt numbers that are so large they can’t even comprehend what they mean.
At the end of this long process, even as ”We the People” can’t stand to hear another commercial, debate or talk show I believe that everything will work out for this great nation called America.
I will pray for divine guidance, political wisdom, and a vision of the future for whoever wakes up on Wednesday morning as the next President of the United States. The greatest day in a true democracy is Election Day. How lucky we are to resolve our differences in such a civilized way.
Godspeed, Mr. President, whoever you are.