Bikefest reps visit Shriners hospital
Published 2:32 pm Tuesday, September 4, 2012

BAINBRIDGE BIKEFEST board members and volunteers who visited the Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa, Fla., on Aug. 21, included, in no particular order, Joe Frank Battles, Roy Reynolds, Joe Putnal, Leslie Bernier, Robert Tate, Robert Rollins, Sherri Rollins, Patty Putnal, Pam Battles, Zane Wise and Lindsey Merritt. Others in attendance included Shriners Bill Willingham and Allen Jernigan.
The Bainbridge Bikefest has always provided assistance to Shriners’ children’s hospitals, but this last month several Bikefest organizers got to see proof of the difference they’ve made.
Bikefest board of directors members and other volunteers visited the Shriners Hospital for Children in Tampa, Fla., on Tuesday, Aug. 21. While there, they visited the hospital and its patients, and provided some of the child patients with Bikefest gear, like t-shirts and other apparel.
Joe Frank Battles, a member of the Bainbridge Shrine Club of Hasan Shrine, said that Hasan Shrine helped organize the trip.
“Hasan Shrine definitely appreciates everything that the Bainbridge Bikefest does to support the children’s hospital,” Battles said.
Roy Reynolds, a former chairman of Bainbridge Bikefest, said that the trip was extremely worthwhile.
“Bikefest is often a lot of hard work and a lot of thankless work,” he said. “A lot of times we’re out there in the heat and people are getting stressed out and it can be tough. But it makes it all worth it, when you take the time to go to the hospital and see all that blood, sweat and tears going to help children who are a lot worse off than we are. It really chokes you up.”
Reynolds said that the hospital now features a plaque commemorating Bainbridge Bikefest. However, he added that the event organizers are especially thankful for the work done by the Hasan Shrine and the Shiners Hospitals for Children.
“We’re just following roads that the Shriners had already started,” he said.
Bainbridge Bikefest board members and volunteers who took part in the trip included Battles, Reynolds, Joe Putnal, Leslie Bernier, Robert Tate, Robert Rollins, Sherri Rollins, Patty Putnal, Zane Wise, Pam Battles and Lindsey Merritt. Other Hasan Shrine members in attendance included Bill Willingham and Allen Jernigan.
This year’s Bainbridge Bikefest will be Sept. 12 through Sept. 16. For more information on the event, visit the website online at