Middle school weight training under way
Published 6:22 pm Tuesday, July 10, 2012

DECATUR COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM Middle School football coordinator Scott Starr advises players on the proper way to execute a bench press, during Monday’s opening weight-training session.
Rising Bainbridge Middle School seventh and eighth-grade football players took part in the first day of voluntary summer weight-training workouts Monday at the school weight room.
The players begin each workout routine by doing situps and pushups. They then work out on the bench press to strengthen their upper body.
They also do squats with the heavy bar to strengthen their lower back and chest. They conclude the sessions by running around the middle school track or doing other agility drills.
The weight room will be open for workouts each Monday and Wednesday, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Overseeing Monday’s workout was Decatur County School System Middle School football coordinator Scott Starr, and eighth-grade Bearcats coach Ell Willis.
Before the workouts began, Starr talked to the youngsters about the importance of weight training and staying in shape.
“The workouts we do in these weight training sessions will build strength in your legs, which is very important,” Starr said. “You need strong legs to compete. It doesn’t matter whether you are playing football, basketball, baseball or any other sport. Strong legs are important. You can do sit-ups and push-ups by yourself at home to build leg strength.
“Just get down on the floor and do some any time you get the chance.”
UPDATE: Middle school weight sessions canceled
Summer Bainbridge Middle School weight training sessions have been canceled, but students who are academically eligible to play any sport need to get a physical form from the school nurse or a school administrator and have it filled out by a physician.