Kickers learn from White
Published 12:02 pm Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CAROL A. WHITE, president and director of Kick-Aid, Inc., is surrounded by her campers and staffers at Saturday’s kicking camp at Bainbridge High School Bearcats football practice field.
Carol A.White, president and director of Kick-Aid, Inc., instructed a large group of kickers, punters and long snappers in the finer points of the kicking game Saturday at the Bainbridge High School Bearcats football practice field.
Bearcats attending the one day camp session, sponsored by Randy Soden of Action GM and hosted by Bearcats head football coach Ed Pilcher, were place kicker Daniel Provence, punter Paul Randall Soden, long snappers Andrzej Jeglinski and Jason Long and kicker Evan Oldaker.
Future Bearcats Michael Ryan and Alex Soden were also in attendance, along with numerous kickers and punters from southwest Georgia and northwest Florida high schools.
Schools represented along with Bainbridge at the camp were Thomasville, Thomas County Central, Colquitt County, Seminole County, Calvary Christian of Columbus and Leon of Tallahassee, Fla.
White travels throughout the South, teaching young kickers and punters the latest kicking techniques. She runs camps at the University of Missisippi, Elon University, Coastal Carolina University, Georgia Southern University and Jacksonville State University.
She began coaching defense and special teams with coach Winfred Benson at Monroe High School in Albany in 1970.
She remained at Monroe until 1985, when coach Bill Curry brought her to Georgia Tech as the first woman to coach football at an NCAA Division 1-A school.
At Saturday’s camp, she emphasized how important balance is to place kickers and punters.
In the fall of 2011, there were 212 active kickers, punters and snappers on college teams who were her recent campers or staff members.