4-H’ers attend state council
Published 4:17 pm Wednesday, July 6, 2011

REPRESENTING DECATUR COUNTY at the annual state 4-H council held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Ga., are, from the left, Landen Bryant and Alexandra McLendon.
4-H Coordinator
Decatur County was well represented at State 4-H Council held June 24 -26 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center.
Landen Bryant, a rising Bainbridge High School sophomore, and Alexandra McLendon, a rising Grace Christian Academy senior, attended the annual 4-H state meeting.
They joined other 4-H’ers and leaders throughout Georgia representing almost every county in the state. This year’s theme of State Council was “Need A Moment: Grab 4-H.”
The fast paced weekend was filled with opportunities to explore Georgia 4-H and focused on applying 4-H to everyday life. 4-H’ers also spent the three days attending educational programs, participating in a citizenship ceremony, studying ideas and issues, attending dances, electing State 4-H officers, and exchanging ideas with new friends.
A highlight of the event was the citizenship ceremony for new voters. The ceremony honored delegates who have reached 18 years of age and are eligible to vote in all elections.
Attendees participated in community service projects as part of the weekend. Family Movie Night Fun Kits is a continued project for military partners. 4-H’ers collected new and gently used family DVDs to create “Family Night at the Movies Kits.” These kits will be given to families experiencing or just returning from deployment.
4-H’ers from each district competed for the Iron Clover Award. The rotating award is presented annually to the district that excels in competitions such as softball, volleyball, pool relay and 4-H Idol, just to name a few. Each 4-H’er also received a State 4-H Council District T-shirt to wear during the Iron Clover rally and competition. The Southwest District was the winner of the Iron Clover Competition for 2011. Other highlights included dances, swimming and a performance by Clovers and Company.
State 4-H Council is the annual meeting of the Georgia 4-H Assembly with each county represented. This event is just one of many leadership workshops provided for senior 4-H’ers grades ninth through 12th.