Markham Lion of the Year
Published 3:41 pm Thursday, June 30, 2011

LION OF THE YEAR Ken Markham, left, receives his plaque from Bainbridge Lions Club President Harrell King.

BAINBRIDGE LIONS CLUB Secretary Gean Hendrix, left, presents the outstanding presidents award to Bainbridge Lions Club President Harrell King.

INCOMING PRESIDENT Randy Dunlap, left, receives the club gavel from outgoing President Harrell King at Tuesday’s Bainbridge Lions Club awards night program.
The naming of Ken Markham as Lion of the Year and Harrell King as outstanding president highlighted Tuesday’s Bainbridge Lions Club awards night banquet at The Charter Hose Inn.
In making the Lion of the Year presentation to Markham, King, who also turned over the gavel to incoming President Randy Dunlap, praised him for the many strong unselfish contributions he has made to the club during the past year.
“Ken Markham is an outstanding Lion who unselfishly works for the betterment of his fellow man through his participation in all of our Lions projects,” King said. “He exemplifies the Lions’ motto of we serve.”
“Whenever I called on him to work on projects, he always said yes,” King said.
Markham, a former two-term Lions Club president, serving in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, worked on the clubs’ birthday calendar sale and the River Town Days rummage sale.
He and a number of other club members also assisted the Calvary Lions Club in preparing for and participating in their annual Mule Day Festival.
Lion of the Year Markham is also a Lions District 18-C zone chairman.
Cindy Markham and Cotton Hester received perfect attendance awards.
King’s outstanding presidents award was presented by club Secretary Gean Hendrix.
During King’s year as president, the club adopted a one-mile stretch of highway on Highway 27 South under the Keep Decatur County Beautiful program. Club members will be cleaning up the one-mile stretch of state road four times a year.