Football players working hard
Published 7:27 pm Tuesday, June 7, 2011

BAINBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL football players drive the blocking sled during a Monday morning summer football workout session at the school practice field.

HEAD FOOTBALL COACH Ed Pilcher of the Bainbridge High School Bearcats talks to his players in the weight room during Monday’s workouts.
Coach Ed Pilcher’s Bainbridge High School football team is working hard this summer.
In addition to working out daily in the weight room, the Bearcat players are competing in some speed and conditioning drills in shorts on the practice field.
On-field workouts take place from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Monday through Thursday.
In the weight room, the players are building strong legs and hips by doing power cleans, squats and snatches.
They are also building strong legs and hips by doing bench presses.
“The number of players we have out here working each day varies,” Coach Pilcher said. “This week we have 13 players at a lineman camp at Middle Georgia College in Cochran, Ga.”
Next week, the Bearcats will have 13 wide receivers at a camp at Middle Georgia College, Pilcher said.
“Generally, we have about 90 out each day for workouts. The young men learn a lot at position camps.
“I also hope we will be able to attend a Fellowship of Christian Athletes camp. We have previously attended one in Americus.”
The Bearcats will continue workouts through the end of June. The first week in July is a dead period for all the teams in the state. No workouts are allowed that week. Teams are not allowed to go into pads until August 1.
During spring practice in May, rising junior running back Terry Lewis had some big runs for the Bearcats.
Rising senior running back Aaron Hall also showed flashes, but was slowed by a hamstring strain.
“Our running backs ran hard in the spring. Junior wide receiver and defensive back A.J. Miller and rising senior defensive back Rhyan Edwards missed some spring work while competing in the state track meet,” Pilcher said.
Miller and fellow rising junior wide receiver and defensive back Octavious Breedlove caught the ball well in the spring, he said.
Tim Shaw, a big rising junior offensive and defensive lineman, who moved here from Delaware, also contributed during the spring.
Coach Pilcher said he liked the pace his team’s spring practice sessions took this year.
“The pace of spring practice was quick, and that was good,” he said.