Henderson, Baty bass champions
Published 1:52 pm Monday, May 23, 2011

LOCAL ANGLERS Kyle Henderson of Bainbridge and Matt Baty of Attapulgus get together with company officials as they hold their $1,900 first-place check after winning Saturday’s fourth annual RSC Equipment Rental Customer Appreciation Bass Tournament on Lake Seminole. From the left, are RSC manager Chris Waters, RSC manager Ronnie McKamey, Kyle Henderson, holding his son, Cole, RSC sales representative Greg Tensley, Matt Baty and RSC sales representative and tournament master of ceremonies Trey Rogers.
The local team of Kyle Henderson of Bainbridge and Matt Baty of Attapulgus pulled in 21.88 pounds of bass Saturday on Lake Seminole to win the $1,900 first prize in the fourth annual 67 boat RSC Equipment Rental Invitational Bass Tournament on Lake Seminole.

ANGLERS J.R. Mundinger and Todd Nedler, who caught the lunker, tipping the scales at 5.97 pounds, at Saturday’s fourth annual RSC Equipment Rental Bass Tournament on Lake Seminole, display their catch.
The lunker of the day, which tipped the scales at 5.97 pounds, was caught by the team of J.R. Mundinger and Todd Nedler of Tallahassee, Fla. They earned a check for $1,050.
RSC sales representative Trey Rogers, the tournament master of ceremonies, thanked the anglers for adhering to the highest standards of sportsmanship and courtesy, saying “Our goal is to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters and sportsmanship. All boats had live wells with an operating aerator system to keep the fish alive. We unfortunately had to start an hour late due to fog, but safety always comes first, and the anglers understood.”