Storm hits Climax Saturday afternoon

Published 10:33 am Monday, May 16, 2011

FIREFIGHTERS WORK to clear Lee Street of fallen trees.

The storms moving through Decatur County on Saturday afternoon left some extensive damage to several residents of Climax.

Hugh and Virginia Curry seem to have the most debris in their yard from fallen pecan trees. A tree destroyed the roof of their barn shelter and broke the back glass out of their van. Other trees fell onto Lee Street just behind their home.

Hugh said it happened very fast, and the rain measured about nine-tenths of an inch in a short time. He said he and Virginia were thankful they were safe. Cars and shelters could always be replaced.

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Sam Sirmons said he had no damage at his shop, but the wind threw several peanut wagons out into Broad Street.

Chip and Belle Wary said they had a small tree down and some shingles missing, but this was a bad way to make the newspaper!

A tree down in Billy and Mary Phillips yard caused Mary, who was home at the time by herself, to dive under a large desk.

“I have never been afraid of bad weather, but the wind was bad and I dove under our large desk,” Mrs. Phillips said.

Several reported limbs over their yards, and debris, but were thankful no one was hurt.