Cadets selected for aviation camp
Published 11:03 am Tuesday, April 19, 2011

BAINBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR ROTC cadets attending the aviation camps at Oshkosh, Wis., this summer, from the left, are Cadet Christopher Campbell, the son of Frederick and Tori Read; Cadet James Harrell, the son of Ron and Cindy Harrell, and Cadet Dexter Lagace, the son of Michelle Lagace.
Special to The Post-Searchlight
Three Bainbridge High School Junior ROTC cadets have been selected to attend aviation camps at Oshkosh, Wis., this summer.
Cadets Christopher Campbell, James Dillon Harrell and Dexter Lagace received sponsorships from Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 445 to attend these exceptional aviation camps for high school students. All three will have their camp registration and commercial airfare provided by Chapter 445 and Air Force JROTC Headquarters. EAA Chapter 445 is located in Tallahassee, Fla., and includes members from north Florida and south Georgia.
Cadets Harrell and Lagace will attend the camp for 14- to 15-year-olds the last week in June. While there, they will attend aviation-related classes and labs, and will participate in various leadership activities. Also, each will get to fly in a helicopter and small aircraft with an instructor pilot.
Cadet Campbell will attend the Advanced Aviation Camp for 16- to 18-year-olds. This camp is three days longer because the students attend the EAA AirVenture Air Show as part of their camp enrollment. AirVenture is the largest general aviation air show in the world, attracting more than 500,000 aviation enthusiasts each year.
Col. Gary Breedlove commented, “These guys were selected because of their demonstrated interest in flying. They were recommended by JROTC Instructors Lt. Col. Dave Stewart and Senior Master Sgt. Frank Geslak. All three cadets already have numerous Young Eagles flights from Bainbridge and other area airports. More importantly, they have shown Chapter 445 leaders that they are willing to help with the conduct of Young Eagles events. Also, each cadet had to submit an application to EAA Chapter 445 for competitive consideration.”
Campbell, Harrell and Lagace will be the 12th through 14th Bainbridge cadets selected for this prestigious opportunity to further their goals related to aviation.
Over the past five years, no other high school in America has sent more students to the Oshkosh Aviation Camps.
“We are very fortunate to have this phenomenal relationship between Chapter 445, school administration and the JROTC program. These pilots have been enthusiastic supporters of our cadets, our program and the other students in Decatur County,” Breedlove said.
The biggest fund-raiser for Chapter 445 will be a fly-in and air show at the Quincy, Fla., airport on Saturday, May 14. It is open to the public and the pilots will be offering “free” Young Eagles orientation flights for students 8 to 17 years old, with parents’ signed approval. Part of the fund-raiser effort is a raffle for the opportunity to receive either a tandem parachute jump, a helicopter flight lesson, or one hour of flight training with an instructor pilot.
Please contact Breedlove at 220-3231 or JROTC at 248-2268 for more details, or to make a donation to Chapter 445 to help with Young Eagles flights and summer camps.