Swine Time gives back
Published 11:37 am Monday, March 21, 2011

DISTINGUISHED GUESTS, Award recipients and Community Club officers gather. From the left, front row, are Secretary Barbara Sapp, Catherine Vanstone with the Southwest Georgia Regional Library, club Treasurer Belle Wray and Emory Smith with Bainbridge College Foundation; back, Jimmy Slocumb and Tommy Rentz, both with the Decatur County Rescue; Lt. Col. Dave Stewart and Sgt. Maj. Frank Geslak, both with Bainbridge High School ROTC; Charles Hadsock, Community Club president; BC President Richard Carvajal; Jeff Kelly, chief of the Climax Volunteer Fire Department; Butch Mosely, club vice president and Decatur County Commissioner.
The Climax Community Club held the annual Swine Time Appreciation Supper on March 19 at the Climax railroad depot on the Swine Time grounds.
The hall was appropriately decorated with spring flowers as centerpieces on white-draped tables that complemented the beautiful spring weather. This was the first spring supper since the time was changed from February to March after last year’s supper.
Club President Charles Hadsock welcomed all and stated he was pleased to report a very successful Swine Time festival for 2010.
On behalf of the Community Club, he thanked each for their dedication and support of Swine Time.
“Without your assistance, it would not be possible to complete all the planning and work required to pull off our annual Swine Time event. Tonight, we want each of you to join us in the celebration of one of our best festivals ever,” he said. “However, please remember we need your help and support for Swine Time 2011. You are our lifeline for a successful festival.”
After the welcome and dinner with the invocation and blessing by pastor of the Climax United Methodist Church, Wayne McDonald, entertainment was provided by the “Hymn Masters Trio,” Wayne Sirmons, McDonald and Joe Salter. The group performed a melody of beautiful gospel songs, with the audience singing along at the close with several old favorites.
President Hadsock said while Swine Time provides entertainment, it also provided the means and resources to allow the Climax Community Club to give back to the community by supporting organizations and groups in the community.
The following organization or groups were recognized and supported as a result of Swine Time 2010:
Bainbridge High School Band; BHS ROTC representatives Lt. Col. Dave Stewart and Sgt. Maj. Frank Geslak; Bainbridge College representatives Emory Smith and President Richard Carvajal; Climax Volunteer Fire Department representative Chief Jeff Kelly; Decatur County Rescue representatives Jimmy Slocumb and Tommy Rentz; Habitat for Humanity; Friendship House of Jesus; Southwest Georgia Library representative Catherine Vanstone, and Salvation Army.
Rita Dodson, Phillip Dodson and Barbara Sapp held the drawing for door prizes provided by Jones County Meats and Harvest Moon. Winning were Joe Salter, Kim Stewart, Jeff Kelly, Sam Sirmons and Emory Smith.
President Hadsock again thanked everyone for making Swine Time 2010 a success.

ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE SWINE TIME Appreciation Supper on March 19 was “The Hymn Masters Trio” featuring, from the left, Wayne Sirmons, Pastor Wayne McDonald and Joe Salter.