4-H Archery Team competes
Published 2:37 pm Wednesday, March 16, 2011

4-H'ERS PARTICIPATING IN THE ARCHERY MATCH are, from the left, front row, Calen Greene, Chason Webster, Savannah Padgett, Luke McConnell, Brandon Barber and Townsend Livingston; second row, Takahri Murphy, Brenden Greene, Britt Jones, Brett Dobbins and Blair Morris; back row, Coach Michael Padgett, Christopher Webster, Sam Slaughter, Kameron Landeen, Aubrey Hand and Coach Rick Landeen.
Fifteen members of the Decatur County 4-H Archery Team traveled to Perry, Ga., on Feb. 26 to compete in the Indoor Archery Match.
Members were competing against approximately 375 other 4-H’ers from across the state in the compound and recurve divisions for cloverleafs (9 years of age through sixth-grade), juniors (seventh- and eighth-graders), and seniors (ninth- through 12-graders.)
Team members attending included Christopher Webster, Blair Morris, Sam Slaugher, Kameron Landeen, Brenden Greene, Aubrey Hand, Takahri Murphy, Luke McConnell, Townsend Livingston, Savannah Padgett, Chason Webster, Brandon Barber, Britt Jones, Calen Greene and Brett Dobbins.
Also attending the match were Coach Rick Landeen and Coach Michael Padgett.
Team members have been practicing diligently since November in preparation for the State 4-H Archery Match to be held at Rock Eagle on May 13-14.
As a result of their participation in the 4-H Archery Project, these 4-H’ers develop numerous life skills including teamwork, self-motivation, self-esteem, safety and goal setting.
For more information regarding the Decatur County 4-H Program, please contact the Decatur County Extension Office at 248-3033.