Cone to compete in national skills contest
Published 8:44 pm Friday, March 26, 2010
Russell Cone, a junior with the Bainbridge High School chapter of Skills USA, will compete on the national level in Kansas City, Mo., from June 21-26.
“It’s the first time in a long while,” said Steve Caulder, Skills USA adviser at BHS of the local organization sending a student to the national competition. “It’s a pretty big deal to go out there.”
Cone, son of Russell and Alicia Cone of Attapulgus, placed first in cabinet making during the state competition, which was held in Atlanta on March 12.
The competition entails making a cabinet that could be used in a bathroom or kitchen, Caulder said. Judges look for accuracy of the design and cuts, the looks of the completed product, how well the specifications the of the plans were met, as well as how well the contestants followed safety precautions and timeliness. There was also a written test that had to be completed.
Other competitors
Other students competing in the state competition were Jackson Dodd, carpentry; Capria Miller, Danielle Holmes, Ashley Wimberly and Jessica Allen, health knowledge bowl team; Joel Bennett, job skill demo; Erika Gordon, nurse assisting, and Jamie Howard, Skills USA brochure.
These students represented Bainbridge High School very well, Caulder said.
The Bainbridge High School Chapter of Skills USA had region competition at the Moultrie Technical College on Feb. 26.
The students compete in career and technical events designed to test their knowledge and to prepare them for future careers in their chosen areas. Those competing and their overall rank are as follows: Erika Gordon, nurse assisting, first place; Jackson Dodd, carpentry, first place; Cody Logue, welding, third place; Derrick Baker, automotive technology, third place; Russell Cone, cabinet making, second place; Joel Bennett, job skill demo, first place; Jessica Allen, Capria Miller, Ashley Wimberly and Danielle Holmes, health knowledge bowl , first place.