Youth baseball and softball registration underway

Special to The Post-Searchlight

Registration is now underway for the Bainbridge Leisure Services 2012 baseball and softball season.  Registration is open through Friday, February 3 and the fee is $5.00 per child.

T-Ball is open to ages 3-6.  Girl’s fast pitch softball is open to ages 7-18, while baseball is open to ages 7-15.  To be eligible to play t-ball and baseball, kids must be three years old before April 30, 2012 and cannot turn 16 on or before April 30, 2012.  To be eligible to play fast pitch softball, girls must have turned seven years old before December 31, 2011 and cannot currently be over the age of 18.

Registration forms can be found on the City’s website, or by visiting Bainbridge Leisure Services at 223 Donalson St.  For more information on the baseball and softball programs, call 248-2010.
