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A Matter of an Inch

If newspaper columns are driven by calendars and events, and they are, the subject for this week is ...


The Bomb That Loved an Island-Tybee Island-Part 2

Everyone and, it seems that everything, wants to live on an island and it seems that nuclear bombs ...


Tougher Than Cannon Fire – Tybee Island-Part 1

Tybee Island is located at the northeastern end of Geogia’s Atlantic Coast and is one of the best-known ...


Hot as a July Station Wagon

Years ago, Mary Lou and I took our children on our first trip to Montreat, North Carolina.  It ...


Once Upon a Time on an Island

At one time, my husband and I lived on Johnsons Island in Lake Erie. When we moved to ...


What Now?

  It was the best of times for one side, the worst for the other to paraphrase the ...


This is Your Life

My mother, Jobie Ponder, has lived at Huntcliff Summit, an independent living facility in Atlanta for the past ...


Roadmap to Retirement: Tax & Investment Strategies

You know the importance of saving for retirement. But what is the best way to do it? Is ...


Will You Be Watching

The question is “Are you going to watch?” What? I answer that in a moment, but the more ...


Georgia’s Gorgeous Golden Isles

Ah Georgia! She is a beautiful, bountiful and romantic state. But that’s not all! She also has one ...

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