City adds amendment for speed bumps

Published 5:00 pm Friday, November 24, 2017

During Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Assistant City Manager Roy Oliver presented the Council an amendment to the existing traffic calming device policy.

The changes that would be made would include a pre-manufactured speed bump. The city originally produced asphalt speed bumps that costs $1,000 per hump and took a workforce of five men to put together. The asphalt would have to be poured on a hot day, and even on their best day Oliver said they struggled. The humps would often have to be repainted. The new ones would be pre-painted and are specifically designed to slow traffic down between 5-10 MPH. They will be the same width, but not the same height.

The length of the street changed from 1,000 feet to 700 feet, because they believe drivers can accelerate a significant amount in just 700 feet.

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They also lowered the distance between speed humps. The original policy stated they had to be 250 feet apart from the intersection and from one another. They now can be 150 feet away from the intersection.

In addition they added an extra step to the application process. The application has to be turned into the planning commission, who will verify that the 67 percent of signatures received live in the neighborhood and street they said they did. They then will go out to the street that made the request and make sure it meets the requirements, and get it placed on the agenda for the Council to approve. Once that is completed they have to place an application and pay a $150 fee, where the planning commission will then place a work order to begin. 

Mayor Edward Reynolds had a few questions concerning this. He asked if it was simply a 700-foot street, and only had one speed bump would it just make the driver go 35, 10 and 35 mph again. Oliver explained there would probably be two on the street, depending on the amount of intersections and driveways.

Councilwoman Palmer asked if someone were to request a speed hump could it be 67% of people in the area or did it have to be on the street. Oliver explained the 67% has to live on the street or the cross street. Palmer also addressed her concern over if Oliver would line the streets with speed humps if the signatures were gotten, or just right in that part of the street. Oliver said it would line the street, but the street agreed upon it already. Palmer was concerned the whole town may become filled with nothing but speed humps, but understands the necessity of having them in areas that need them.

After Oliver answered all questions, Mayor Reynolds asked for a motion to accept these changes to the existing policy, and a motion was made. This motion did not lift the current moratorium in place; it simply states when the moratorium is lifted these new rules will apply to any street considering a speed calming device.