Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Published 9:32 am Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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The Class of 2024 celebrated the culmination of over a decade of education over the weekend, with Grace Christian Academy holding its graduation ceremony on Friday evening, and Bainbridge High School the following morning.

Grace Christian Academy’s Class of ’24 Salutatorian was Alyssa Posey, introduced by her twin sister Amelia.

“I remember imagining in middles school what it would be like to be a senior,” Posey recalled in her speech. “It seemed so far away. However, I didn’t realize how fast the days were truly going by.”

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“We’ve ventured through our many lasts,” she continued, “last first day of school, last ball game, last school dance, and more.” Posey thanked the teachers, faculty, family and friends of the class for their role in the class’s education.

“Not only do I thank you all, but I also would like to thank God,” she continued. “God gave each and every graduating student the ability to reach this amazing goal… This day is not only a celebration of chapter closing, but also a celebration of another opening.”

GCA’s Valedictorian was Ella Grace Straughn, introduced by Lucy Dowdy.

“We have gathered here today to celebrate all of the hard work and accomplishments that this class has achieved,” Straughn said. “This was not easy, to say the least. We have had our ups and downs, and certainly could not have made it without the support of our parents, mentors, teachers, pastors, friends, and of course the support of each other.”

She continued, “I would like to share with you three things that we should recognize. First, recognize that God gave you a mission… Second, recognize that God gave you a mindset… Third, recognize that God gave you a message.”

Jeff Dowdy spoke at the GCA graduation as the evening’s guest speaker.

The following Saturday morning, Bainbridge High School held its graduation ceremony. The BHS Salutatorian for 2024 was Emma Thompson.

“It’s an honor to stand before you today, and I’m full of gratitude knowing I got to spend the last four years with you all,” Thompson said. “When writing this speech, I kept asking myself what was the one thing I wanted my classmates to remember. It took a couple of days of overthinking, but I finally figured it out. And that is simply being present.”

She continued, “We seem to get so caught up in worrying about what’s going on tomorrow, we completely lose sight of what’s going on right in front of us today. Being present means accepting what you cannot control and essentially being okay with it. Being present means being ambitious towards what you want to accomplish, and working hard to attain it. With that being said, being present does not mean throwing away your future because you aren’t worried about it.”

The Valedictorian for the BHS Class of ’24 was Brock Howell.

“There was a question on a scholarship,” Howell recalled, “‘If you had the attention of one million people for ten minutes, what would you say?’ Well, we aren’t a million people, and I didn’t get that scholarship, but we’ll make it work,” he joked.

“Class of 2024, we are at a crossroads. We are entering a post-pandemic world, one dominated by one word, uncertainty. Uncertainty of the future, uncertainty of how technology will play a part in that future, and uncertainty of how our lives fit into that future.” He continued, “Do not let this uncertainty grow into fear, as fear will paralyze you into inaction and regret. Use uncertainty as a catalyst for your growth, and as a means to reach your goals.”

Congratulations to the Class of 2024, and good luck in your future endeavors, whatever they be!