Getting To Know Our Community- Matt Palmer

Published 3:36 pm Tuesday, February 6, 2024

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I am Matt Palmer. I own Palmer Insurance Agency. We are an independent insurance agency that provide all types of insurance to our clients. I have been married to my high school sweetheart, Tish Bryan Palmer, for 28 years. We have 2 daughters, Riley and Gibbs. Riley is a freshman at UGA and Gibbs is a sophomore at Bainbridge High School. Life has been busy keeping up with them!

You can look back at my old Bainbridge High yearbook and see where I wrote in my senior superlative blurb about my future. I wrote that wanted to get a degree in finance and join corporate America living in some big city! Boy was I young and naïve. After getting a degree in Risk Management and Insurance from UGA and working with a large insurance carrier, I realized how wrong I was. I did everything I could to get back to home to Bainbridge GA. I took a significant pay cut to return to Bainbridge and work with Daniel Insurance Agency and would ultimately purchase the business. It did not take long to realize the quality of life here is something special. The people, the natural resources and pace of life can not be matched in big cities.

Our community’s progress has been amazing! I’ve been involved with several organizations and love networking and meeting people. This involvement has helped build my business and created personal relationships that I cherish today. My most recent involvement is with the Stewards of Lake Seminole. We are an organization that works on collaborative efforts to take care of our lake. Since the lake was created, the resource has provided so many memories to so many people. I love fishing and being on the lake. Beautiful sunrises and big bass give me great pleasure!! We are so lucky to have one of the best fishing lakes in the country at our back door. We need to take care of it for future generations to be able to make memories. I invite you to check us out and be a part!

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I am so proud to call Bainbridge home and have the opportunity to raise my children here and be a part of the community progress. I’m really thankful that “know it all” senior from 1989 came to his senses and moved back home! There is no place I would rather be!