KGD Produce celebrates two-year anniversary

Published 10:18 am Friday, September 8, 2023

Two years is a relatively short amount of time, but one’s life can change drastically in that time. For Kelsey Harrell and Delaney Mueller, the last two years saw what originally began as a produce stand evolve into a full-fledged business, KGD Produce. While Thursday marked the businesses’ second anniversary, the business will hold actual anniversary festivities on Saturday, complete with a drawing for flight boards, as well as food samples including brisket.

“It’s been interesting,” Harrell said of the last two years. “I don’t think anyone that has opened a business in the last couple of years would have guessed the economy, and the time that we’re in right now. I don’t know, if I could have foreseen what was gonna go down, I definitely would have been a lot more nervous, and apprehensive to open.” That said, Harrell still looked back positively on the past two years: “Given that we’re not in just the most high-spirited times in the world, it’s still been great, and I wouldn’t change it, so I’m kind of glad that I didn’t know… I think it’s been great overall.”

Harrell and Mueller first started with their original produce stand during the summer of 2017, eventually moving in to their current location in 2021. “I think one of the best parts of the job has been to see the people that have followed us from roadside, to here, and continued to shop with us,” Harrell mused. “Even to this day, we get people in here that say, ‘Weren’t you on the side of the road?’” The pair realized soon after opening that produce alone couldn’t sustain their business all year. Fortunately for the pair, they were able to quickly add Georgia Grown food products to their regular inventory.

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“I think probably the proudest I’ve been of the two of us is when we were able to purchase the building,” she said. “We rented it for the first year to really make sure that we were gonna be able to make it… I guess just knowing that, not only do we own the business, and the name, but to have that kind of asset in a town like Banbridge, that is growing and really becoming popular, I think that is a moment I can look back and be proud.”

For those interested in checking out the festivities, KGD Produce will be open from 9 AM to 3 PM on Saturday.