Rotary club hears from GCA principal Sean Johnson

Published 5:41 pm Tuesday, August 22, 2023

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Members of the Bainbridge Rotary Club met for their regular meeting at the Kirbo Center on Tuesday. The guest speaker for the day was Grace Christian Academy principal Sean Johnson, who spoke about the school’s core principles, as well as the school’s recent growth and expansion.

To start, Johnson recapped the school’s history, beginning with its founding in 90s, through the construction of the current school facilities over the years, up to the recent expansion of the pre-school programs to Calvary Baptist Church’s facilities. He also discussed the new athletic complex the school constructed, which features fields for baseball and football, with the football field doubling as a soccer field as well.

Johnson discussed the school’s accreditation by several agencies, as well as its curriculum material, which draws primarily from ABEKA and Bob Jones University.

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“Really, what makes us a Christian school in our name, is that we teach what’s in the Bible,” Johnson said, explaining how elementary students have daily Bible lessons with their regular teachers, whereas high school students receive dedicated Bible classes taught by pastors. “I would say it’s more than an academic subject, it’s what we believe is truth,” Johnson continued. He went on to discuss GCA’s participation in dual-enrollment classes, as well as the statistics for seniors earning scholarships.

After discussing the school’s new sports facility, Johnson discussed plans for new school facilities that are currently in the works, thanks to the school’s growing enrollment. These new plans would allow for a maximum of 500 students.

Following the presentation, Johnson took several questions from the audience.