BHS and Hutto recognized for 100 years of accreditation at BOE meeting

Published 3:05 pm Friday, August 18, 2023

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The Decatur County Board of Education met for their monthly meeting Thursday afternoon. First on the meeting agenda were two special presentations: first, a presentation by accreditation agency Cognia to both Hutto Elementary School and Bainbridge High School, each for 100 years of accreditation.

Next, a presentation was made by Grace Christian Academy principal Sean Johnson, representing his family in presenting the Susan Johnson Scholarship to BHS math teacher Hailey Hartzog.

Following these presentations, public participation was held for public input on the millage rate for this year.

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The Board then moved onto the action items for the evening. Superintendent English clarified that there will be no increase in the millage rate, explaining that, “By Georgia law, if you do not reduce the rate to the rollback rate, then you have advertise that in the paper as a millage rate increase.” The rate will remain 14.565 for this year. English also added that the board is mindful of current economic factors such as inflation and the rising cost of living when making these decisions.

After giving a brief update about the school financials and construction projects, the board moved on to approve the rest of the action items for the evening; these included approving of the Policy BCBI Public Participation in board meetings; approval of the CTAE Perkins Grant; again, approval of the millage rate for fiscal year 2024; approval of a classroom size resolution; approval of an out-of-town/overnight field trip; and lastly, approval of personnel.

After this, the meeting was adjourned.