Colonel Winton P.D. Laslie renews oath at BHS AFJROTC class

Published 9:34 am Wednesday, August 16, 2023

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Members of the Bainbridge AFJROTC received a special visitor Tuesday afternoon, with Colonel Winton Preston Laslie stopping by. Col. Laslie, a Decatur County native, graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 2001. Colonel Gary Breedlove introduced Laslie, giving the students a summary of his history, including his battle with leukemia, his move into aerospace medicine, and his current placement as chief doctor for Air Force Operations in Europe and Africa.

Having recently received a promotion to Colonel, Breedlove facilitated Laslie renewing his oath to the Constitution, as is tradition. Following the oath, Col. Laslie’s family came forward for a pinning ceremony, after which he spoke with and took questions from the students.

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