Downtown Development Authority discusses crosswalk paintings, facade grant for Calhoun Street renovations

Published 11:39 am Thursday, July 20, 2023

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The Bainbridge Downtown Development Authority met for their monthly meeting Thursday morning. After the approval of minutes and financial reports, the Authority members discussed old business first. This included the crosswalk paintings around the square; according to DDA Director Amanda Glover, the plan initially had been to paint all the crosswalks on the square, but due to the current heat and humidity causing problems, the remaining crosswalks will be completed at a later date.

New signage for the new River Walk, Chason Park and the nature trail was briefly mentioned, as were plans to update the DDA’s website. Improvements to Clark Street, including new planters, as well as the installation of security cameras in the downtown restrooms and repairs to the square’s sound system were also part of the old business discussed.

Moving on to new business, Glover gave the director’s report, touting May’s Art and Wine Walk, providing an update on the Downtown Dollars program, as well as on how many businesses have opened and closed since the prior meeting, with two having opened and one closed. New businesses, such as Flourish, as well as the sale of the Willis Park Hotel, were also discussed.

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Lastly, under new business, a facade grant, Downtown Development revolving loan fund resolution and Georgia City Foundation Resolution, all for the new renovations on 125 Calhoun Street, were all approved. As these decisions involved DDA board member Brent Warr’s property, Warr excused himself from the official vote.

The meeting was adjourned shortly afterward. The next DDA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 17 at 8:00 AM.