State of Georgia reads the Bible
Published 3:53 pm Tuesday, July 14, 2020
- Brother Jimmy Dean, Pastor Ryan Carnes and Pastor Jimmy Adamson read passages
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On Tuesday morning, July 14, at 7:14 a.m. Decatur County ministers came together in front of the Decatur County Courthouse and joined the other 158 counties in the state to read the Bible— from Genesis to Revelations. Sound impossible? This is actually the second year Decatur County has participated, beginning in 2019 with only two readers. This year seven local pastors read assigned chapters of the Bible, beginning at Second Samuel 4-11.
Participating pastors were: Rev. John Thomas who gave the invocation, Pastor Ryan Carnes of Church of God, Pastor Stephen Webb of First Presbyterian Church, Pastor Laddie Derocco of Bainbridge Church, Pastor Jimmy Adamson of Friendship House, Pastor Jimmy Dean of Morningside Baptist Church, and Reverend Melissa Traver of First United Methodist Church. Sometimes referred to as Bible Reading Marathons, or the 7/14 project, this all began with Jerri Tuck receiving a Facebook friend request from a Laura Williams of Nigeria. In 2018 she requested information on how to start a Bible Reading Marathon. As communication continued between the two, it led to a contact from a Dianne Bentley of Des Moines, Iowa, the Iowa state leader for the Bible Reading Marathons, a project she had begun in 2018. Tuck took on the project and it has spread nationwide.
Cecilia Willis has been one of the instrumental leaders for Decatur County and has been very pleased at the response she has received from the local ministry and general public.
“I think the times lend to needing a lot more Jesus, and this is one way you can participate,” said Willis. She advised the public was invited to come witness the readings, as long as they practiced social distancing and wearing of masks as a prevention for the spread of Covid 19 and other illnesses.
She was excited to share a little love on Water Street before starting the regular work week.