BHS FFA updates public on recent local events in chapter
Published 4:11 pm Friday, February 21, 2020
- Pictured above: L to R- Brent Miller, Weston Powell, Ashton Aldridge, Brannon Parker, Mason Smith, Dax Willis, Reese Godby, Kaycee Brooks, Gage Nichols (Area 5 FFA President) and Jeb Logue.
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Greetings from the Bainbridge FFA Chapter and agriculture education department! We have had an extremely busy few months! With that being said, I want to bring you up to speed on what all has been going on with our chapter and its members!
Our officers had the pleasure to attend the Farmers’ Appreciation luncheon and the Chamber Connect Luncheon in November. Our members had the opportunity to present information to the Chamber members about our FFA chapter, the Career Development Events we competed in and what all we have been involved in this year. Members that attended and presented were: Madalyn Yancey, Sara Matthews, and Cayden Harrell.
Our livestock judging team and job interview participant competed in the Area career development events. Livestock judging involved a team of 4 members. These members evaluate swine, cattle, sheep and goats based on breeding fundamentals and market readiness. These members give a set of oral reasons defending their placements of these classes. The livestock judging team members are: Weston Powell, Bryson Faircloth, Brent Miller and Ashton Aldridge. These students placed 4th in the Area 5 CDE. Faith Taunton competed in the Employability Skills Career Development Event. During this CDE, participants must submit a cover letter, resume and job application to a potential employer for a job that he/she could currently obtain. At the area event, the students then go through a rigorous interview round. Faith Taunton placed 6th at the Area 5 Career Development Event.
Our Junior and Senior Meats Evaluation teams advanced to the State Career Development Event in Athens at the University of Georgia. Junior Meats Evaluation team members were: Macy Goodman, McKenzie Hand, Rylan Bland, Rachel Hayes and Averie Barbree. Senior team members were: Sara Matthews, Casey Clemons, Cole Buchanan, and Kaycee Brooks. Students were asked to evaluate meat quality based on the color, marbling and cut. These members must also evaluate cuts of meat and meat carcasses. The junior meat evaluation team placed 6th and the senior meat evaluation team placed 8th in the State Career Development Event.
Our very first veterinary science team competed in the Veterinary Science Career Development Event held at ABAC. The team members were: Kyle Swicord, Jordan Stout, Cole Buchanan and Casey Clemons. These members placed 5th at the Area contest. They were asked to take a test and perform a Lateral Recumbency for Femoral Venipuncture on a Feline.
Two FFA members were invited to sing Christmas carols at the Governor’s Mansion for their annual Christmas celebration. Ashton Aldridge and Faith Taunton represented Bainbridge FFA at the Governor’s Mansion during this celebration. The students were asked to sing and play Christmas songs for 45 minutes. After the performance, the students were able to meet, Georgia’s First Lady, Mrs. Marty Kemp. The students spoke about their FFA careers and were able to tour the Governor’s Mansion. We are so proud that Faith and Ashton were selected to share their musical talents.
Bainbridge FFA along with Grady EMC hosted the first annual wiring jackpot contest. This was held at Grady EMC headquarters with over 10 wiring contestants. Adolfo Izaguirre and Pierce Taunton represented Bainbridge FFA and placing 2nd and 3rd!
Dr. Mike Conner, with Jones Ecological Research Center, visited our Agriculture classes and spoke about his career at The Jones Center. He taught the students about the wildlife species at the research center, how to monitor these animals, the importance of the research at the Jones Center and even brought wildlife calls for the students to listen to.
In December, three of our career development event teams competed in the State Career Development Events held at ABAC. Reese Godby, our Floral Design competitor, placed 5th. She took a test about the floral industry and made two arrangements to be evaluated based on structure, symmetry and mechanics. The Farm Business Management team consisted of Ashton Aldridge, Brent Miller, Kaycee Brooks and Weston Powell. These teams members were given a test about business scenarios and financial equations associated with proper business management techniques. This team placed 12th. The Agricultural Technology and Engineering team consisted of Jeb Logue, Mason Smith, Dax Willis and Brannon Parker. These students were asked to complete tasks that are relevant to the construction and electrical career fields. They placed 5th in the state competition.
In January the Decatur County Young Farmers and Bainbridge FFA hosted the Winter Pig Classic in Perry, Georgia. This is one of the largest swine shows in the southeast with over 900 head of swine showing that weekend. The Winter Pig Classic is a 4 day swine show. This year the judges were Matt and Tammy Miller from Illinois. Our very own Bainbridge FFA member, Carson Lynn had a very successful weekend. He won Grand Champion Duroc with his barrow named Smalls. With his crossbred barrow named Spot, he won Grand Champion Crossbred and went on to win Grand Champion Prospect Market Hog overall. This was a great weekend for all exhibitors all over the southeast part of the United States. We look forward to a great turn out next year.
The Region EMC wiring contest was held at ABAC with Adolfo Izaguirre representing Bainbridge FFA. The students were asked to wiring a simple circuit. Before they could perform this task, they were to draw the plan and purchase the necessary materials. Then they were to complete the circuit and give a speech explaining the process and how they used their materials. Adolfo placed 3rd in this event!
At the end of January, FFA member, Brent Miller was selected to be a facilitator at the Discovery Conference held in Covington, GA at the FFA-FCCLA Camp. This is a leadership conference designed for middle school FFA members to help hone their leadership, communication and team building skills. Brent facilitated breakout sessions and was group leader. Throughout the weekend, he modeled leadership skills and offered advice to upcoming FFA members. According to Brent, “the best part of the conference is seeing new FFA members gain passion for the blue jacket and make lifelong connections”.
We began the month of February with two FFA members competing in the Sub- Area Speaking Leadership Development Events held at Tift County High School. Kathryn Cohen competed in the Prepared Public Speaking LDE with her speech entitled, “How Do You Say Pecan?”. Kathryn spoke about the benefits of pecans, her personal experience with the industry and the trade issues affecting the pecan industry. Kathryn placed 2nd and is advancing to the Area competition held at Thomas County Central High School on March 16th. Taryn Powell competed in the Creed Speaking LDE. The FFA Creed was written by E.M. Tiffany and a 5 paragraph statement about how agriculture and the FFA impacts FFA members and their communities. Taryn placed 1st and is also advancing to the Area competition.
Cayden Harrell competed in the Lawnmower Operations and Maintenance Career Development Event held at Cairo High School. This CDE is designed to test the knowledge of students in terms of the lawncare management and maintenance industry. Students take a test about the small engine and maintenance of the equipment and drive a course with a Zero Turn Lawnmower.
Bainbridge FFA members were excited to be part of the Decatur County Young Farmers first annual pheasant shoot. FFA members were able to serve breakfast and lunch, check in guests and distribute birds out of the bird tower.