Bearcat soccer loses 6-2 to Harris County

Published 4:11 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Bainbridge Bearcats suffered a 6-2 defeat at the hands of the Harris County Tigers last Friday.

The Tigers got off to a dominant start early in the match as they maintained possession of the ball and attacked the Bearcat goal relentlessly. 

In the 17th minute, the Tigers broke through for the first goal of the match.  Two other first half goals followed in the 22nd and 26th minutes. 

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The Bearcats went to half-time with a 3-0 deficit to overcome. 

In the 48th minute, the Bearcats appeared to be ready to make a comeback attempt when Angel Munoz scored after taking an assist from Caleb Harris. 

Hope was quickly discouraged when Harris County answered the Bearcat goal in the 52nd minute to extend the lead to 4-1.  The Bearcats once again cut into the lead in the 57th minute with another goal from Munoz, and this time he was assisted by Cesar Chiguil.  However, Harris County was not having any of the Bearcats’ comeback as they scored quickly in the 62nd and 64th minutes to finish off the Bearcat rally.

“For the first time this year, we were outclassed in every way by the opponent,” said coach Jamie Ard.

Ard added that he thought the team may have had a glimmer of hope when Angel pulled back a goal in the 48th minute.

“Harris County was just too much for us on this night, though,” said Ard. “We just could not dig out of the hole that we dug for ourselves.  We just have to remember that we are never as bad as our worst match, which this one was to date, and we are never as good as our best match. We just have to learn from this unpleasant experience and not repeat our same errors the next time out.”