The first Friendsgiving

Published 4:47 pm Friday, November 23, 2018

This Thanksgiving I hosted my first “Friendsgiving.” It has become very common the past few years to host a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with your friends in the week leading up to the holiday. You give thanks for the people who have become like your family and celebrate with them all the things you have to be grateful for.

If you know me, you know I cannot cook. My mom is an excellent cook, so I often depend on her for help. However, I know how to host. I used to be in charge of hosting all of our recruitment parties at school, and it is something I have a true passion for.

Saturday morning my mom and sister arrived with food in tow. They brought tables, tablecloths and glassware to help me make this occasion something special. I cleaned the house top to bottom and even ordered a turkey from Dixie Dandy. I am very thankful for them for accommodating me and my lack of skills. They even helped me choose a knife to carve the turkey, although I had no idea how.

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After a long day of my mom helping me prepare, my little apartment looked as close to perfection as I have ever seen it. The table was set with an ivory tablecloth and pilgrim décor. I used plates that were passed down from my late grandmother and my mom brought some beautiful plaid napkins that brought out all the fall colors.

I set up my bar area complete with a variety of red and white wines and made sure I had an appetizer of pizza dip and chips available. I set the mood with some music we all enjoy and my campfire donut candle.

It was perfect. All my friends arrived with delicious items in store for dinner. We had an array of turkey, green beans, rolls, brown rice, pineapple casserole and cheesecake for dessert.

My friend, Bailey, was able to carve the turkey. She did a better job than I ever could have, but I guess that’s the benefit of a friend who works in a restaurant.

Of course we all got silent around dinnertime, filling our stomachs with everything in sight, but the best part of the evening was just enjoying time with friends.

If someone told me one year ago that I would be surrounded by not one, but four close friends, I wouldn’t have believed them. I am truly so thankful this Thanksgiving for this town and all the people I have met and had the pleasure of getting to know.

I will be forever blessed for the friends who have turned into family.