Rotarians learn about new pain relief device

Published 4:28 pm Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Gerald N. Kadis, M.D. of Archbold Neurosurgery Services in Thomasville was the speaker at Rotary this week.

He brought news of a new weapon in the treatment of pain, specifically back and leg pain. The Nevro HF10, is a neuro-stimulater that can be placed in the lower back in an outpatient surgery procedure. Kadis describes it as, “A signal jammer to the brain.  You don’t feel it working, but your pain isn’t going to your brain any longer.”

The unit is first inserted as a temporary device for about a week, then if the patient likes the way it makes them feel, one is permanently placed in a specific anatomical area. Again, it is an outpatient procedure.

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The Nevro HF10 is relatively new, having only been on the market for about a year.

Kadis said he has been prescribing the device over the past year, having placed it in approximately 70 patients, 100 percent of whom love it. After having the device in place for one year, his patients reported 60 to 100 percent relief from pain.

Dr. Kadis stressed the ease of the device, saying you merely charge it for about 20 minutes a day.

When asked about the cost of the unit, Dr. Kadis replied that it is much less costly than having standard surgeries to relieve pain. To back up the claim, he stated, “It has been quickly approved by both the FDA and Medicare.”

Another positive of using the HF10 is that it helps reduce the use of opiates in patients experiencing chronic pain of all kinds.

Dr. Kadis was asked if it could be used on a patient who also had a pacemaker and his answer was in the affirmative. He said it can be used on patients with other difficult conditions, especially for older people with complicated spinal problems, who have tried all kinds of remedies, such as therapy, nerve blocks, epidural injections and surgeries. “This is a better option for pain control.”

He did qualify his presentation with the statement that if there was a functional problem that caused an impairment, such as a herniated disk or a bad knee, it was best to repair the problem first.

“Take each case on its own merits,” he advised.

But, as far as the HF10 goes, he declares, “I am excited about it.”