Fighting for your religion
Published 2:52 pm Friday, September 7, 2018
I was born and raised in the Methodist Church. I was baptized at a wee age and was confirmed when I was in the seventh grade. I attended a year of classes to understand the history behind the Methodist church and understand what being a Methodist meant. I chose this as my denomination, and I have never looked back. I love my church and I hope to one-day get married at the church I grew up in.
With that being said, I would be lying if I didn’t say my heart sank when I heard they were planning to hold a specialized conference where they will decide if they want to move forward on a decision they made about homosexuality 40 years ago.
Although an unpopular opinion, I do believe homosexuality is wrong and I don’t believe the Methodist church should ordain a minister who is homosexual.
Leviticus 20:13 says “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable.”
However, James 4:12 says, “But you- who are you to judge your neighbor?”
I am not condemning anyone for their personal decisions, but I also cannot understand how someone who participates in an act the Bible states God detests can preach on that subject.
The Methodist church is also considering allowing gay and lesbian weddings to be held in the chapel.
Again, who am I to judge? But, how can someone participate in a church ceremony and expect God to bless their marriage, when that is not the marriage he intended for us?
The Methodist Church must’ve had these same questions when they originally wrote their feelings about this 40 years ago. Now, after much debate there has been discussion of reconsideration.
The churches will congregate in February 2019 to make these groundbreaking decisions that will forever change the church. Some have already made the decision for themselves and have gone against what our guidelines state and have ordained homosexual ministers and performed homosexual marriages.
I am scared for my church and I pray they make the right decision. Many friends and family members have already said they plan to leave the church if this is voted into existence. Local Bainbridge residents have already told the pastor at Bainbridge First United Methodist they plan to leave.
At what point does a church not have to apologize for holding views that coincide with what they believe? Why do they even have to consider changing just because of the rise in a “detestable act?”
I wish I could understand their reasoning, but the best I can do is become fully educated and aware of their decisions before I make my decision to stay or leave the church.
Avalon Methodist Church in Albany, Georgia will be hosting Bishop Bryan to discuss the Way Forward Movement on Tuesday, September 18 at 6:30 p.m. I hope to be able to ask questions and invite my fellow Methodist to attend and educate themselves as well.
It’s difficult to hear one voice in a crowd, but with many a change can be made.