Men and Women’s Fall Quads League to resume later this month

Published 4:14 pm Friday, July 6, 2018

Players can now register for the men and women’s fall quad league at the tennis center. It is an ongoing competitive doubles program for all levels from beginning to intermediate.

Beginners should have a basic understanding of how to play the game. Each player will play 24 total games each week- eight games with each of the other three players assigned to his or her court. Players will then switch partners after every eight games played until they have played eight games with each person on the court.

Each week the player with the most games will move up a court for the next week’s play, and the player with the fewest games won will move down a court.

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Players can sign up for quads as a regular player or a substitute. Regular players are expected to play every week, while a player on the substitute list is not obligated to play. Substitutes are asked to make every attempt to fill in when needed.

The deadline to register to join the league is July 25 and the cost is $20 per player for members and $30 for non-members. Substitutes cost $6 per play day.

Each team has a maximum of 20 players. Men will play on Thursdays from 6:30-8 p.m. beginning August 2 and run through August 23.

Women will play on Tuesdays from 6:30-8 p.m. and will begin July 31 and play through August 21.

Interested players can visit the tennis center for a registration form or contact Tim Thompson at