BPS gives out citations and warnings for new hands-free law
Published 4:19 pm Friday, July 6, 2018
July 1 was the first day of the new hands-free driving law in Georgia. With the help of Bainbridge Public Safety, the law is already in full effect here in Bainbridge.
BPS Chief, Frank Green said they have already begun issuing citations and warnings to violators.
Officers are actively watching at stoplights and stop signs, as part of the new rule states drivers cannot be on their phone or communicating with it while stopped.
Green knows this may be difficult for drivers who are used to checking their phones while driving, but the goal is to save lives by not endangering the driver or others by distracted driving.
Drivers who violate this new rule are facing a penalty of up to $50 for their first offense, $100 for their second and $150 for their third.
Green can’t pinpoint one age group that it has really affected but hopes to change the belief in younger drivers. He wants them to understand that driving while looking at their cellphone can be as dangerous as driving under the influence.
He believes this law has the ability to create a culture change, just as the seatbelt law did.
Adults can still be hesitant to put on their seatbelt, because they rode around without one when they were younger, however children were taught and trained to put one on when they first get in the car. Green thinks new drivers who will grow up with this rule will teach and train others to not look at their phone and that will create the change many have been hoping for.
To review the rules of the new Hands- Free Georgia Act, visit www.gahighwaysafety.org.