Superintendent proposes FY19 budget at BOE meeting

Published 3:20 pm Tuesday, May 22, 2018

During Thursday night’s Board of Education work session, Superintendent Tim Cochran presented members with a tentative budget for FY19.

The estimated total revenue for 2019 is $43,332,172 compared to last year’s $42,490,631. The noticeable difference was a primary result of an increase in state revenue.

Gov. Nathan Deal recently signed a $26.2 billion budget that fully funded the formula used to pay for public schools. The budget put $9.9 billion into K-12 schools across the state. Decatur County saw the increase first hand with an increase of $662,599 in their state revenue.

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Property taxes also increased and provided for extra money in the total revenue. FY18 budget saw $13,898,851 come from property taxes, where 2019 is expected to raise $14,077,793.

Cochran explained that while it is amazing the government has put austerity back into place, benefits have gone up so it balances everything out.

Salaries and benefits costs a total of $36,382,180 in 2018, but were raised to $37,288,068 for 2019. This change will add $905,888 to the total expenditures, which is planned to total at $43,273,253 in 2019.

The total difference in expenditures will be $790,187. This may change, depending on what Board of Education members vote on in the coming weeks. They are in discussion of adding some incentives, but have not finalized that decision.

There will be a public hearing for the proposed budget on June 4 at 12:30, along with one at the regular Board of Education meeting on June 14 at 7 p.m.

If no objections are heard, the budget will be passed as presented.