Hopsital CEO Jim Lambert talks patient care at Lions Club

Published 4:15 pm Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Bainbridge Lions Club president Adele Cunningham was presented a check for $2500 by Calvary Lions Club Mule Day show ring chairman Carey Vanlandingham, on behalf of club president Paul Boyette, for helping set up the ring and greet visitors. Vanlandingham told the Lions that the Calvary Mule Day show ring would be hard pressed to be as successful as it is without the dedicated work of the Bainbridge Lions Club members.

Bainbridge Memorial Hospital CEO Jim Lambert’s address was a highlight of the regular Bainbridge Lions club meeting Wednesday.

He told the Lions that the hospital has an excellent medical staff that is dedicated to serving the patients.

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“Our goal and my vision is to have one of the best little hospitals in Georgia and the nation,” he said. “We have moved our medical distribution center and some of our hospital testing facilities to the front part of the hospital.”

Lambert said that small town hospitals nationwide usually have some financial problems.

“We and other small community hospitals must strive to work through Medicare, Medicaid and other programs to provide the best care to each patient we serve,” he said.

“Quality care for our patients is always our top priority.”