Taurus USA building North American headquarters in Bainbridge
Published 3:42 pm Thursday, April 12, 2018
- Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal smiles as the crowd applauds the announcement of Taurus USA building its North American headquarters in Bainbridge.
Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal was in Bainbridge this morning to announce that Taurus USA, a leading firearms manufacturer, will create 300 jobs and invest more than $22.5 million in infrastructure and operations to build its North American headquarters in Bainbridge.
A crowd of hundreds filled the Kirbo Center Auditorium to listen to state and local leaders announce the news.
“Taurus USA is one of the larger weapons manufactures in our country, and for them to decide to come here is a great compliment to our state and to your local community,” said Deal. “I want to say here on this occasion, welcome Taurus USA, welcome to South Georgia.”
With its plant currently located in Miami, Florida, Taurus USA will build a new 200,000-square-foot facility at the Commodore Industrial Park, with 180,000 square feet of space for manufacturing and 20,000 square feet of administrative space. Construction will begin in September 2018 and move in plans fall during the first quarter of 2020.
Taurus USA plans to create 300 jobs in the first year, a number that has the potential to rise, according to Taurus President and CEO David Blenker.
Blenker said the Bainbridge-Decatur County Industrial Development Authority and other local leaders have welcomed the company with open arms and created a friendly business environment.
“The decision to move to Bainbridge, Georgia, is part of a long-term growth strategy,” said Blenker. “The ability to expand operations is critical for our U.S. business. This new facility will meet our demanding needs to increase production with the skilled workforce Georgia has to offer. We look forward to breaking ground in September 2018 to start the project.”
The project getting underway also shines a positive light on Bainbridge through the eyes of Georgia economic development leaders as a potential location for more industry in the future.
“As a matter of fact we have more opportunities that we are working with Bainbridge on right now, so we are excited about the momentum that an announcement like this creates, because it shows some of those other companies that might be considering Bainbridge or Southwest Georgia, it says there is a company that can make it work here, that the workforce exists here, that the leadership to support us exists here,” said Tom Croteau, deputy commissioner of global commerce.
Rick McCaskill, executive director of the Development Authority of Bainbridge and Decatur County, has been working with Taurus USA for almost two years.
“We are very proud that Taurus USA has selected our community,” said McCaskill. “This has been a team effort and we stand as a team ready to make the construction and staffing of their facility smooth and seamless.”
According to Pete Stephens, Chairman of the Decatur County Board of Commissioners, the massive crowd turnout said everything about the excitement and energy Taurus USA has brought to Decatur County.
“As a board, I would have to say it is a thrill to see the county step forward this fast into the future and be able to help the citizens of our county and give some good solid income jobs to our citizens,” Stephens said.
Bainbridge Mayor Edward Reynolds noted the hard work local leaders have put into taking advantage of an opportunity as big as this.
“It’s just the start of a new day for us,” said Reynolds. “A rising tide raises all ships, and if we can get some positive stuff happening, which this is hugely positive, you’re going to see some other things develop from that.”
IDA Chairman Keith Lyle expressed his excitement for Taurus USA coming to Bainbridge, and thanked McCaskill, Bainbridge City Manager Chris Hobby, Decatur County Adminsitrator Alan Thomas and the boards that worked with them to make it possible.
“I want to tell you that if your business or industry is looking for a place to locate, then Bainbridge, Georgia, needs to be at the top of your list,” Lyle said in a statement to all potential industry. “We are located on the banks of the beautiful Flint River, our school system is great, our hospital is top notch, the traffic is light, the weather is mild, we have a motivated workforce and we have vast resources.
“Ladies and gentleman, Bainbridge is open for business.”
Incentives Package
During negotiation stages, a number of incentives were offered to Taurus USA to build its new manufacturing plant in Bainbridge.
This includes offering roughly 73 acres of land at the Commodore Industrial Park, with more than 100 acres available for future expansions.
A large amount of support will be given by the Bainbridge-Decatur County Industrial Development Authority, the City of Bainbridge and the Decatur County Board of Commissioners, together providing $20,000,000 to be used for site preparations and construction of a building and firing range to Taurus USA’s specifications. Additionally, the IDA will assist with Taurus USA’s self-funded, bond financing for equipment. The City of Bainbridge and the Decatur County Board of Commissioners have also offered to self-perform a portion of the site preparation and related infrastructure work, estimated at a value of $4.5 million.
The state is expected to offer a grant of up to $3 million, $2.75 million of which is to be used by Taurus USA for equipment expenditures and $250,000 to be used for Bainbridge, Decatur County and the IDA to offset some of their costs.
Taurus USA is also eligible for the maximum income tax credits, including a $3,500 per job tax credit, a $500 per job tax credit for being part of a multi-county JDA and a $1,250 per job tax credit if Taurus exports or imports goods utilizing a Georgia Port. With an expected 300 jobs, Taurus USA is eligible for up to roughly $7.9 million in income tax credits a year.
Property tax abatements and reductions have also been offered, totaling around $4.3 million.
Other benefits and incentives, including waived water, sewer and natural gas tap fees, employee training assistance from Bainbridge’s ABAC and Southern Regional Technical College campus and waived local permitting fees are part of the deal.