Revisiting the old paths
Published 2:46 pm Friday, March 2, 2018
Gale and I have reached a most special time as we journey through life together—March 3 marks our fortieth wedding anniversary. God surely blessed me in a most wonderful way when He allowed our paths to cross. As I consider how just a few variations in where we were at certain times and decisions that we made could have changed everything for both of us, I am amazed at how God orchestrated events that led us to this point of our lives.
We met in high school and married before either of us reached our twentieth birthday. I do not suggest that everyone make such a huge step at that early of an age, but for us age never presented itself as an obstacle. It has been a wonderful experience growing and learning together through both the good and the challenging times of life.
She did not marry me as a preacher—that was added on later. But as I surrendered to what I believed to be God’s call upon my life, Gale never tried to discourage me even though it meant facing adjustments and sacrifices that we had no clue we would walk through. When I asked her to marry me, she did not know that four long hard years of Bible college would become part of the deal, but when we made that step she graciously supported me as I pursued the desire that God had planted in my heart. Without hesitation she encouraged me when I was down so that I did not become weary and drop out. We walked through it all together and God provided for us in more ways than we can count.
Last week we made a trip to northeast Georgia to visit family, but also to revisit some of the old paths that we walked more than forty years ago. The restaurant where we shared our first date is still in operation, so we went there to have a pizza and share some memories from days long gone by. That little eatery will always hold a special place in our lives as it was one of the many pieces that went into shaping our lives together.
While on that trip, we also visited a place located in the little town of Royston, Georgia that we used to eat at in our courting days called Booty’s Fishhouse. Once again, it was an opportunity to reflect on the events that brought us to this season of our lives. Forty years ago we did not know that eventually two beautiful little girls would grace our home. And the thoughts of four lovely granddaughters being born into our little family was beyond any thought that ever entered our minds. Gale and I are blessed beyond measure through the grace and kindness that God extended to us.
Marriage as defined in God’s Word is a beautiful way of life that only the Creator Himself could design. The writer of the Book of Proverbs expresses a powerful truth: “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value” (Proverbs 31:10-11, New International Version). The verses that follow expound upon the priceless characteristics of such a wife; many of those characteristics I have seen bud and bloom in Gale’s life throughout the years.
Revisiting some of the old paths of life can lead to much amazement as we observe what God has done and how He has shaped our lives. I am grateful to Him for His goodness and I am thankful to my bride for continuing to walk the paths of life with me.