‘Brigadoon’ brings a musical treat to BLT
Published 4:54 pm Tuesday, February 27, 2018
March is the perfect month to celebrate all things Gaelic and Scottish in origin. The Bainbridge Little Theatre’s production of “Brigadoon,” set in the Scottish Highlands, recognizes everyone can use a little piece of whimsy and make believe this time of year, especially when all residents sport traditional Scottish tartan costumes. This includes the kilt clad lads.
Brigadoon first opened on Broadway in 1947, and has enjoyed revivals periodically. In 2014 a major revival was in Chicago and in 2017, Melbourne, Australia and New York City both saw newer productions. An abbreviated version also appeared on television in 1966, and won five Primetime Emmy Awards.
The story line evolves around some complicated love stories that take place when two New York men on a hunting trip suddenly find themselves in a mystical village called Brigadoon in the Scottish Highlands, where the residents all sport traditional Scottish tartan costumes as they celebrate a village fair.
The two New Yorkers realize they are lost and the town is not on any maps.
The villagers, especially the women, are very friendly and hospitable to the men, who become quite smitten by them.
The musical show was written by Alan Jay Lerner and Fredrick Loewe. Some of the more familiar songs are, I’ll Go Home with Bonnie Jean,” “The Heather on the Hill,” “Come to Me, Bend to Me” and “Almost Like Being in Love.”
When director Martha Mobley was asked why someone should come see the show her immediate answer was, “The music.” She added that Jenna Chambless, who plays Fiona Maclaren, sings like an angel and her male counterpart, Art Hart, has an amazing voice.
Hart, who is from Tallahassee, is no stranger to Bainbridge Little Theatre, having appeared in the local production of Oliver, when he played Fagan, as the preacher in Dearly Departed and the postman in Meet me in St. Louis.
Chambless has grown up in the theatre, lending her voice to many productions over the years, and has matured into a star performer.
Other cast members are: Elijah Harris, James Rodden, Abraham Islas, Brendan Forrest, Maddi Hatton, Justin McStay-Harrison, Rachel Rentz, Alaiya Schuyler, Jeff Douglas, Rosie Rentz, Brandi Adkins, Shanell Schuyler, Leigh Powell, Lauren Howard and Seth Jones. Many of the younger crowd hail from Cairo, where they performed the same show under the direction of Mike Inlow when he was the choral director at Cairo High School. Inow is music director for the BLT show, and coincidentally, many of the costumes were borrowed from Cairo as well.
Stage manager is Kristi Raymer, who keeps everyone on track, and Rachael Crager who handled the costumes and worked on the set.
Performance dates are March 1- 4. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, with a 2:30 p.m. performance on Sunday, the 4th.
Tickets are available by going online at www.bainbridgelittletheatre.com or by emailing bainbridgelittletheatre@gmail.com.