Lions Club hears from English as a Second Language Ministries, updated skeet shoot

Published 4:24 pm Friday, January 26, 2018

Bainbridge Lions Club members were updated on their upcoming 19th annual Charity Skeet Shoot For Sight at Sharber Range, as well as Grace Church’s English as a Second Language Ministry at their regular Wednesday meeting.

Lions Sheet Shoot For Sight chairman Tuffy Nussbaum told his fellow members that the Skeet Shoot, the most lucrative Lions project, will begin Saturday, Feb. 3 at 8 a.m.

Mitch Escobar, a native of Mexico and English as a Second Language ministry director at Grace Church, talked to the Bainbridge Lions Club about how to know and follow Jesus and his teachings through his ministry.

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Escobar has also helped set up and share English as a Second Language Ministries at Bainbridge First Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church.

“Our ministry is divided into two groups, adults and youth,” Escobar told the Lions. “We share the gospel with them on their levels. We are always looking for more Christian teachers on each level. All local Christian churches are invited to get involved.”

Nussbaum reminded his fellow Lions that through the Shoot for Sight and other Lions projects, the club is able to provide glasses, hearing aids and make optical operations available to needy individuals.

“Corporate sponsorships are also available,” Nussbaum said.