Family Connection food drive opens Nov. 1 for holiday distribution
Published 4:08 pm Friday, November 3, 2017
The countywide food drive sponsored by First Port City Bank benefitting Family Connection will begin on Nov. 1.
This drive helps to replenish the local food bank and the donated food items are distributed to those in need through the holiday and winter season. Workers at the local Community Food Bank bag and distribute dry and canned food items from 9-10 a.m.. every Tuesday morning.
Ann Brannen, food bank coordinator said, “Last year the food drive brought in a tremendous amount of canned goods. In past years the food collected lasted about 4-6months; however, last year’s collection has stretched out through November of this year.
With monetary donations food is purchased from Second Harvest.
Each Tuesday our distribution team of 3-4 volunteers give both donated canned goods from the annual food drive and Second Harvest dry goods to those in need.
Our behind the scenes crew of 12 volunteers prepare for distribution by shelving and packing the donated food items each week. We hope to have an even better collection this year than we did last year.”
Local drop off points for items donated to the Food Bank are the YMCA, Food Giant, Bainbridge College Wellness Center, First United Methodist Church, First Baptist church, First Presbyterian Church, Health Products and Yogurt Too, Belk, City of Bainbridge, Memorial Hospital and Manor, and Care 360ᵒChiropractor.
“We would like to make this year’s drive bigger and better than last year. Giving just one or two canned food items can make a difference. Every contribution makes a significant impact in our community. When we join together giving, the cans donated fill our community food bank,” says Ann Brannen. The food drive will continue through November 15.