Rotary hears from scholarship founder and student recipient
Published 4:58 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Rotary was able to see and hear from Sandy Baker, a 10th grade student at Bainbridge High School, who was the school’s 2017 Duke Tip Summer Studies Program Scholarship winner. She accompanied June Faircloth to Rotary on Tuesday to make her presentation.
Faircloth spoke first about some of the organizations in which she is involved, specifically her work with transplant advocacy organizations and Compassionate Friends of Southwest Georgia. But more specifically she spoke of the DRF1 scholarship fund established in memory of her son Dylan, who was fatally injured in 2010 in an auto accident. Since its 2010 inception, $38,500 in scholarships have been awarded to local students, to help them attend the Duke University Studies Program as well as helping pay college tuition for others. She expressed the importance of encouraging and helping young people to pursue education. saying, “It is the key that opens doors.” Her goal is to lay the foundation to build on that will encourage kids to return home and start businesses.
Sandy told of some of her BHS academic interests, including two years she has studied film production and script writing. She described her three weeks at Duke as learning what it is like to go to college, spending that amount of time without the supervision of parents, learning to manage her finances, and making new friends.
“It opened my mind to new opportunities,” she said, and was thankful to Rotary and those who made the experience possible.
June also announced that Aida Diaz had been awarded the 2017 Cross Country Scholarship, in honor of her son’s love of running cross country.
She encouraged further support of the scholarship fund, adding checks payable to DRF1 Scholarship Fund should be mailed to 214 Riverview Drive, Bainbridge GA 39817 by October 16, to ensure timely fulfillment of scholarships.
She asked that members support organizations in the community. “Get involved. Find your passion. There are many different ways in which you can serve, and the community needs you.”