City, county approve TPLOST agreement
Published 6:23 pm Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Tuesday morning City Council held a special called TSPLOST meeting, where Mayor Edward Reynolds made a motion to go forward with the intergovernmental agreement regarding TSPLOST.
The Decatur County Board of Commissioners followed that by approving the intergovernmental agreement as well. A final resolution was approved by the county to add the TSPLOST referendum to the ballot on Nov. 7.
City manager Chris Hobby, along with the help of others divided the city into four quadrants and numbered the roads in the order they would be fixed, with no priority other than Whigham Dairy Road, which will be a STEP (State Transportation Improvement Project) effort.
It will take two cycles of TSPLOST to complete all the road projects; each cycle lasts five years, so approximately 10 years to complete everything. Councilman Phil Long brought up the concern of fixing roads that may not be as heavily traveled as others, but Hobby assured him that they have listed most major connecting roads. He also reminded them that not all the projects may be completed in the first cycle, especially if asphalt prices go up and they have only allocated a certain amount.
Hobby also reminded them this list does not include LMEG projects (local maintenance improvement grant projects). LMEG are formula grants that provide them with about $200,000 year to fix roads and infrastructures.
TSPLOST will total $24 million and the city will get roughly $8.4 million to work with, Hobby said.
The final presentation on TSPLOST will be held before the voting in November.