Two friends turn produce stand idea into reality
Published 5:13 pm Friday, June 23, 2017

Kelsey Harrell and her mother, Kelley, stand underneath the KC and the Produce Stand tent on Scott Street with an assortment of produce for buyers to enjoy,
Every summer, college students return home in hopes of finding a summer job so they can spruce up their resume and return to school with some money in their pockets.
Most students opt to wait tables or help organize a boutique, but two local ladies decided to create something of all their own.
Kelsey Harrell and Chelsea Jones have opened up KC and the Produce Stand. All the items at the produce stand are local or from the Decatur County area. The women visit Long Farms, Hank Suber’s SK Farms, Marie Farms for watermelon and Lane’s Orchard for peaches every week.
“It was really just an idea we had in class that came to life,” said Harrell.
The women are putting their skills to good use in creating their own business. They decide what to charge, how much produce to buy and what hours to operate.
The produce stand is open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The stand will be in full operation until August 1 when they return to school.
They are currently holding a raffle as an incentive to get people to stop bye. Anytime from now until July 3 you can enter your name to win two free watermelons for the Fourth of July.
Stop by the corner of Scott Street next to 5 Points Dry Cleaners to see Kelsey and Chelsea and allow them to give you all your fresh produce for any upcoming picnic or gathering you may have.