Dan Hannen

Published 11:31 am Monday, May 8, 2017

Dan Hannen

April 7, 2017

Dan Hannen was born August 30, 1964, and passed away suddenly on April 7, 2017, after contracting pneumonia, something he had battled since birth. His little body just couldn’t rebound again.

Dan has spent the last five years living in Bainbridge through the winter months, November to April. The first two years he got to fly on the big planes back and forth from New Hampshire to Georgia. That was a highlight in Dan’s life. The past three years we drove. Last year when we returned home Dan started packing. Each day there would be another bag filled and tied up until he had completely emptied his many racks of DVD’s . He was ready to go back to Georgia and it was still April. He loved Georgia and surely he was happy spending his last breath here.

He made very special friends at the Senior Center, the YMCA, the Grocery Outlet, at yard sales and many, many more. Dan never met a stranger.

Dan’s caretakers want to thank each and everyone of you, and you know who you are, for making Dan feel so special, as he surely was.

He was so lucky to have found so much love from so many people. We thank ou again from the bottom of our hearts. Love to you all

Polly and Ray Placey.

Memorial services will be held at a later date in Woodsville, N.H. at Rickers Funeral Home.